Featuring a handsome fleur-de-lis cross, the Lilium Paschal Candle renders this ancient symbol of the Holy Trinity in an exquisite royal blue and gold color scheme. Ornamental bands with bronze medallions of the Agnus Dei and Chi Rho monogram of our Lord are beautifully adorned with bees, a noble symbol of sacrifice celebrated in the Easter Exsultet. Individually hand-crafted, each Lilium candle is a truly majestic celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and the gift of eternal life.
Due to the workmanship required to handcraft each e x i m i o u s ? paschal candle - Please allow 3-6?weeks for delivery.
This year,?Friday, March 1st is the last day to order an eximious candle with guaranteed shipment from Syracuse by Monday, March 24. All of our Classic and Sculptwax? Candles are stocked and can be ordered for immediate shipment at any time.